Special Notice for Coronavirus Sufferers
If you have COVID-19 symptoms, or you have been exposed to someone with the symptoms and are in self-quarantine (whether or not you have been diagnosed with coronavirus), Jan is offering an initial remote Qigong healing for you for a specially-discounted price of $40. The normal cost for a first healing is $90.
Repeat visits will be discounted at $50.
These are the symptoms of COVID-19:
Difficulty breathing; shortness of breath; cough; fever; tiredness; chills and body aches; inability to taste or smell; sudden confusion; pink eye (yes, pink eye–discovered in Korea); digestive issues; headache, sore throat or congestion; or some combination of these.
Visit 10 key coronavirus symptoms to learn about 10 common symptoms. Other symptoms may be added after this writing. We’re learning more about the virus all the time.
Why Use Qigong for COVID-19?
Qigong healings can be performed remotely to give all the cells of your body the energy they need to perform optimally. They return your body to balance so the body can work better to heal itself. The healings work to remove blockages from your energy channels that deliver much-needed energy to every cell of the body. Jan will focus on your lungs, heart, the three other main body organs (and organ systems) that support the body every day, as well as on other areas to target symptoms.
Qigong has been used for centuries for all types of illness, emotional and mental imbalance, and pain. It addresses everything from colds and cancer to flus and fibromyalgia, diabetes, coronary issues, depression, addictions, and more.
Jan will speak with you after you book your healing appointment below. Qigong can give your body the best chance to repair itself because you will be giving your body the energy it needs. The energy blockages being removed are stopping the body from working properly. She can also give you some techniques you can use after the healing to help prepare your body to combat the virus.
Please read the articles on this website to understand more about what Qigong is and how it works. You can access them on the right side of this page.
Also, visit Remote or distance healing to understand how the healing works, and how to prepare for your remote healing. But DO NOT schedule your healing appointment from that page, which is at full price. Scroll below to schedule your $40 healing from this page. Simply select an available date and time from the calendar and walk through the steps to book an appointment. You can pay by credit card through Stripe or PayPal, or use your existing PayPal account (you don’t need an account to use PayPal).
Use the contact page to reach Jan for a free 15-minute consultation prior to booking if you have questions.
These Qigong healings are given with love and compassion. Please don’t hesitate to take advantage!
The best time to start this healing is as soon as you are in either situation described above (diagnosed or not). I can do healings for clients while they are in the hospital, too. The sooner the better.